Hi Everyone!
So, I realized that I am a horrible blogger...I have actually known for awhile but I have been in denial. Here is a fill in on the last month:
- Work, School, Homework
- Mindy's Wedding Weekend
- Work, School, Homework
- I dyed my hair black
- Work, School, Homework
- Tim got a new car
- Work, School, Homework
- Ryanne's Baby Shower
And that is pretty much it! We are getting excited about a cruise for our one year anniversary, and also excited that my brother is graduating and Obama is speaking at his graduation in May.
I DON'T have a Sister-
Okay, so most people reading this know that many people think that my dear friend Mindy and I look alike. If I had $1 for everytime I heard this, I would not have to work anymore (I am being serious)...here are two recent examples of what I am talking about (picked out of hundreds):
- At the rehersal lunch for my wedding, distant relatives said hi to her as if she were me
- At Mindy's wedding, people told her mom they were unaware she had two daughters
Mindy and I joke about this, like we both say, we could think of worse people to be compared to. However, sometimes, it gets a tad bit annoying...we just went to Cali this weekend for Ryanne's baby shower, and on the way there, the TSA ID checker asked if we were sisters, and on the way back, the screaning woman asked. It led me to thinking...who actually asks that question? Think about it...if I saw two people that I thought might be related, I would never think to ask if they were, because who cares! It is really interesting that people find the need to ask if we are related...it must be because we are so good looking =) Anyways, we decided we are going to get shirts made that say "I only have brothers" and the next time we travel together we are going to wear them. So for those of you who don't know my friend Mindy, you be the judge, do we look alike?